How to Create Business Leads with LinkedIn

by | Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, Strategy

Knowing how to generate leads using social media can be tricky.

LinkedIn is a great resource for small businesses wanting to reach out to established business, like businesses and freelancers, but gaining leads can seem like a minefield at first.

You have options. You can pay for leads, wait for them or actively attain them with a marketing strategy.

Paying for them gets you the numbers but no real value. These are people you’ve paid for, not earned, and so there’s no guarantee they’re even going to be interested in your offering, never mind convert into a paying customer. So, I don’t recommend this supposed ‘short cut’.

Waiting for a good level of monthly leads to generate organically can take months, or years more likely, and a low number of leads means an even lower number conversions. Your business may not make the journey.

However, approaching prospects with a thoughtful strategy can bring you both a good number of leads AND a higher chance of conversion.

But where to start?

Profile Optimisation

Your profile is a reflection of you and your business. At a networking event your first impression really counts and it’s the same when it comes to your profile. Make sure it accurately reflects what you want to portray to potential connections and leads; create a thoughtful and professional bio and include your best business shots for your album. Think about how you want to be perceived and what intrigues you about other people’s profiles.


As with any social media profile you need to remain active. Create a list of business professionals and potential collaborators you’d like to work with, connect with them and if they respond favourably, send them a message. This will not only create awareness around your brand, but open you up to collaborations and business opportunities. Keeping this communication going is vital to keeping your online activity cooking and your business at the front of the right minds.


Publishing content frequently will keep your profile looking professional and relevant.

If you have a blog, make sure to post links to each post on your LinkedIn profile, too. If not, posting relevant articles and videos will keep your profile topped up, too. Just be sure everything posted is targeted at your audience and relevant to your brand. The key is to get people returning to your website for more information and updates.

Generating business leads takes time, patience and work, but can be incredibly valuable to your business if you target the right people. When you connect with new people, don’t go in for the kill straight away. Build relationships and be patient. 

With these 3 easy steps you’ll be on your way to creating business leads on LinkedIn in no time!